31 December 2007


Two days until I depart for vastly different parts of the world. 2 days in Doha, Qatar, and two weeks in Tanzania. I will be in Tanzania on Friday.
While I dread the fifteen hour flight to Qatar and the 14 hour layover there (7pm-9am), I am very excited about moving about the world again. Perhaps this will ignite my wanderlust again. No, not perhaps. It has. I have already begun to look up monthly rentals in Paris for the summer. A boy has to make good use of his student loans ya know.

2008 is looking to start off well enough. School will be nothing but drawing and costume construction. I'm signed on to design The Clean House for Riverside Repertory Theatre as soon as I get back. A possible ball around Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras, which will hopefully include a visit from Mr. Daryl. Spring break plans for Houston and San Francisco. And if I can make it work a trip to NYC to do some buying for possible dance shows and The Clean House.

Fingers crossed. Next time I do this I will be in Quatar, in an airport, starving. And it will be next year.

18 December 2007

Featured Artist: Vampire Weekend

Tarnished Surpasses Fragrance

Our normally immaculate design studio after the mad dash for Gallery.

So ends my first semester at the Harvard of the South.
Suffice it to say that the end kind of just came to a rather abrupt end that made all the work and worry seem a little more work than it was worth. Hopefully next semester will be better. Also for the first time ever in my life am having to take an incomplete in a class which I am not at all comfortable with.

The following is a small sample my odd little gallery space.

11 December 2007

Where I am.

In the midst of doing too much before saturday.

List of projects:
1. Drafting a Cantilevered Platform
2. Completing 2 sets of finished renderings of Costume Designs for Prometheus Bound and The Tempest
3. Completing revised ground plans for above shows.
4. Completing finished architectural models of above shows.
5. Attempting to learn all about medieval and elizabethan/italian renaissance theatrical history by thursday morning
6. Attempting to find a subject to write ten pages of reportage about for an unspecified "because your a gradstudent" paper.
7. Figuring out where I am going for x-mas
8. remembering to pick up my malaria tabs and yellow fever vaccination from student Health for entry into Tanzania
9. Preparing 6 new drawings for exhibition in Tanzania in January.
10. Trying to remember to blink.