15 July 2008

Favourite Things

a - apples, Braeburn and Empire
b - books, fiction

c- cricketers on Newcomb Quad on Sunday afternoons
d - Drinks, Tequilla Madras or Stoli Orange with Sprite and lime
e - Eavesdropping

f - Films, French new wave
g - Ginger Snaps
h - HP printers
i - Iced Coffee
j - jam, fig and blackberry
k- Karl Lagerfeld
l - light, natural and incandescent
m - movies, action
n - narration
o -orange juice
p - Prada
q - quiet
r - Resolutions
t - Tea, Darjeeling, Prince of Wales
u - Umbrellas
v -velvet trousers
w -Wine, Cabernet
x - xeriscaping

y - Yellow
z - ...?

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