I need to concentrate on finding small things that make me happy and build from there.
I need to let go of things I cannot change.
I need to give up the alcohol because it makes me a little pointlessly loose with the truth.
I need to focus on the reason I am here.
I need to be more aware of who I am.
yayay! I love that you like GVSB too ♥
great photo.
Unfortunately, I didn't get close enough to actually see anything. There were quite simply too many people, but it was really cool to go nonetheless. I got some cool keepsake stuff while I was there.
I almost forgot...
I didn't throw stones at Bush's plane, but I wish I would have thought of doing so, lol. I flicked it off though.
I understand where you are coming from; I feel the same.
we could all be a little more of this list. thanks.
Yes we should all give up the alcohol but just resume it when I visit New Orleans in APRIL!!!! We will even buy it or you. As well as dinner.
Endometria Jones = Betty's Mom
Yes, indeed! I look forward to it.
I need to let go of things I cannot change.
seriously. when i learned to do that ... everything in my life changed for the better!
I need to give up the alcohol because it makes me a little pointlessly loose with the truth.
never! gosh, i've given up enough of vices ; ) ... and i like being a little pointlessly loose with the truth.
xoxo, -paul
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